intueri: to contemplate
This is an interesting blog. From a link from Mental Nurse again. Well written and creative and questioning ethics in an interesting way. The posts are even longer than mine, but still worth reading...
Here is a little snippet.
[This] was in relation to a (psychotic) patient becoming angry with Muller (the analyst) who ultimately yelled at him for reasons that were not entirely clear to him.
I don’t know—again, maybe it’s just me utilizing “primitive defense mechanisms”—but the above just sounds like he’s blaming the patient. “Yeah, it’s most probably your fault that you took what I said personally—I wasn’t persecuting you at all. You just can’t handle understanding yourself, but your ego structure is so weak that you need someone to understand it for you. I mean, yeah, perhaps the yelling thing happened because I was feeling anxious, but most probably it was your fault.”
That’s crap. Where is the empathy in that? The warmth? How about reframing the situation, just describing it for what it is? (There you go again, Maria, being all concrete.) How about: “Something about this interaction between us didn’t go well; maybe I was pushing too hard; maybe I didn’t communicate my ideas too well; maybe you misinterpreted what I said; maybe you misheard. I don’t know exactly why this happened, but I’d like for the interaction to proceed better. What can we do together so this doesn’t happen again?”
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